Family Therapy (relationship therapy)
The therapeutic process can clarify problems, emotions, needs and conflicts, as well as lead to a better understanding of oneself and others. Being able to talk and work through some of the most traumatic and painful experiences in a caring and absolutely confidential environment can induce healing as well as emotional and spiritual growth.
Treatment in the context of couple and family therapy does not begin with the issue, it begins with those affected wanting to come together to find joint solutions to their problems. Working together with a therapist, couples and families can learn to focus less on negativity and more on the strength and resources available to them, to nurture change and development. The main question is not 'why is something like this?' Instead; 'what can we do in order to change relationships or behavior for the better.'
Couple and family therapy can show where there may be hidden blocks between partners and family members, and how they can be undone. There are many common obstacles that are explored, such as the desire for greater appreciation and mutual growth, a better balance between workloads, rights and obligations, or the joy and pleasure to create together. Couple and family therapy helps to improve relations and adaptability within the partnership and in the family. By learning to express feelings, hopes, desires and needs, as well as fears and anxieties, you can experience the effects of clearer communication together and the positive atmosphere this creates.
When is family therapy required?
- If the family is facing a transition into a new phase (e.g. a new child, moving homes)
- Problems in the home (e.g. violence, drugs, abuse, sibiling rivalry, mid-life crises, incest)
- when children move or pull away from their parents
- If the rights and obligations are unevenly distributed
- Communication and parenting skills
When is couples therapy required?
- For conflict resolution and learning to deal with differences in a healthy way
- When daily life, routine and boredom begin to hinder the relationship
- Financial problems, intimacy or sexuality issues
- Adultery or external relationships that put pressure on the couple
- To help manage crises: learn to recognize, understand and overcome them together