EMDR stands for Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. A psycho-therapy method developed in the 1980s by psychologist Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. the EMDR therapist guides the patient in moving his or her eyes in a particular rhythmic fashion (or with music moving from the right to the left ear) while, at the same time attending to a distressing thought, felling, image, or sensation. It is believed that the movement of the eyes accelerates information processing in the brain.
This may be the missing piece of the puzzle in healing. EMDR is not only working to resolve trauma from accidents, nature catastrophes, war and violence, but it has shown effective also with psychological and sexual abuse and birth trauma.
Today we use EMDR also for treating fear, panic, depression, phobias, allergies, sleep disorders as well as with
grief, stage fright, creative blockages as well al self-esteem issues.
Core-focused EMDR is a variation of EMDR therapy originated by Dr. Allan Botkin. In core-focused EMDR, the therapist uses EMDR to directly access and process the sadness that is at the core of grief.